Mi chiamo Alex, sono un accompagnatore maturo per donne.
Sono un uomo che vive di momenti veri, di quelli che lasciano un segno leggero ma indelebile.
Da qualche anno ho scelto di essere più di una semplice presenza fugace: sono qui per te che cerchi un legame autentico, fatto di attenzioni quotidiane, ascolto profondo ed una compagnia che sa adattarsi ai tuoi desideri più nascosti.
Sono un confidente, un compagno di viaggio, un ottimo chef, un sostegno nei giorni più difficili.
Amo organizzare viaggi che raccontano storie, passeggiare o semplicemente stare accanto a chi ha bisogno di sentirsi capita.
Mi piace offrire un’intimità che non è solo fisica: un’esperienza che unisce corpo e mente.
Un mix di passione, rispetto, delicatezza, plasmato sui tuoi più intimi desideri.
So essere uomo presente con costanza e dedizione.
Se desideri un rapporto non superficiale, fatto di parole, gesti, emozioni e, perché no, un’intesa speciale, sono qui per costruirlo con te, passo dopo passo.
Cosa offro:
Scrivimi dove ti fa più comodo per un primo contatto
su Whatsapp +39 3500029156
o su Telegram
o per mail
Concordiamo al più presto una telefonata, sentirai la mia voce e scoprirai se scatterà la voglia di conoscerci, di fare questa avventura assieme.
I know languages, yes, even yours
I'm Alex Leroy,
I'm the boy next door, the one you looks at thinking: I'll go for a ride with that guy...
I'm your Indiana Jones, always ready for adventure, whip included.
I'm your Bond, James Bond who mixes elegance, subtle humor and Martini shaken, not stirred
I'm your Rocco, all modesty, length and durability. Oh well, I may have exaggerated on modesty.
I am as you want me, even Forrest Gump if you want.
The point is that I have been many things in life, I have worked for a long time around Customer Experience, now I am a Manager for a foreign company and I train people to teach them how to guarantee impeccable service.
This is because I have always had great qualities of empathy and kindness, necessary to understand people's needs.
And YOU are that person.
You will be at the center and I will do everything to make it an unforgettable meeting.
Write to me to break the ice, I will answer with pleasure.
Call me, talk to me about what you want for yourself, without holding back, I will listen and tell you if I can guarantee you what you want, because your smile will be a fundamental part of my compensation.
Make yourself comfortable with me, be yourself and help me express your maximum potential.
I offer many services, all of which focus on the person, the value of the moment.
If you want a few hours with me, an evening, a whole night, a weekend or a whole week I will be happy to accommodate you, in our beautiful Italy or abroad. I will be happy to oblige, just give enough notice.
I am French by birth and I speak it fluently, I master Italian even better, an elegant language, like its people. For work I speak fluent English, which I learned on numerous business trips around the world. Spanish, well, in a week in Ibiza I used the language a lot, but to speak very little, so I understand it but not much more.
The sea is a great passion of mine, especially the silences and life of the depths that I have long explored both in diving and freediving, patents still active, ready for a Blue Week?
I really like eating well and drinking well, in recent years I have developed a decent technique in cooking, and with the right equipment I can tickle your palate with some refined preparations.
I like cinema, literature, the seventh art, art in general, I devour culture between the pages of books as if I were between women's legs, I like to talk about everything or almost everything, and if you talk to me about something I don't know I love learn new things, I feed on it greedily as if it were your precious nectar.
I'm naturally kind, have I already said that? I just wanted to be clear, I don't say this lightly, I empathize, I listen, because I like to hear the noise your brain makes when it thinks.
As you can see, I am a person with many facets, and I have only shown some of them, I'll let you discover the others with a phone call, an email, a message, let's get to know each other and see how we can get the most out of our meeting so that it is memorable.
I am based in Turin and if you’re here for some days I can be the perfect guide, by day, by night or both…
Warning: Subject has been found to cause addiction in some cases, use with caution.